*HUGS* TOTAL! give Mawee more *HUGS*

Friday, June 18, 2010


O hai. So, there's this guy who caught my attention. He's tall, fair-skinned and handsome. He's my classmate. I got to see him everyday. But i never talk to him. I feel awkward. We're not that close, but someday, i know we'll be good friends. Loljk :)) But seriously, I don't really know if i like him or not. I think i was just attracted by his physical appearance. Anyway, i shared this "feeling" to my best friends because i trust them, of course. I was then agitated when one of my best friends said he was a "chickboy". He play games with girls. You know what i mean.

After that conversation, there's this feeling that i really can't understand. I was "turned-off", they say. But why should i? Ugh. K, nevermind. I still don't know him.

Sssssssssssssssssssssssh ;)

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2 stars:

Lynn said....

Hmmm...you never told me about this guy or did you?

Anyway, beware of those kind of species. But give him the benefit of the doubt. You only heard it from a friend. You never know, he's not like that.

Mawee said....

Haven't told you 'bout this yet. This just happened yesterday. Yes, you're right. I should discover it myself.

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