Yesterday was my friend's birthday. She invited all of her friends including me to come to her birthday party at Arnevels. It's just sad to say that some of us thought the party will be at T'Boli Hotel and Restaurant and they hadn't come. Oh well, it was 11 when i arrived there and they all shouted, LATE KA NA! KUMUHA KA NG ADMIT SLIP! What a shame on my part. :)) We took our lunch and jumped into the pool after. *sila lang ha. di ako kasali* It's not really in my plan to splash into the pool, but i just can't sit down there for the whole day with insecurity. :)) I rushly went to the CR and changed clothes. *Ready or not.. Here i come!* I jumped and have fun with my classmates and friends. It was not so MAINIT that moment and the best part is that it rained. ♥ We played some funny games like Daisy Apple. *Daisy apple lemon juice, tell me the name of your sweetheart* It was really fun, i tell you.